just sayin'
"I think a lot of overweight girls are hypocrites. I'm naturally tall and skinny, I eat what I want, I don't starve myself, and I am beautiful.
So why are you allowed to love your 'curves' but it's wrong for me to love my 'bones'?
Why is it okay for you to call me anorexic, but horrible for me to call you fat?
If you can tell me to gain weight, why can't I tell you to lose weight?
If you can feel beautiful for being big, I can feel beautiful for being small. Get over it."
Hittade den här texten på http://annaellinor.devote.se/ och den här texten har allt jag har försökt att få fram när någon frågar om jag har anorexia eller säger åt mig att jag måste äta mer.
